Turbo View Registration Form (Please type or print. Times 12 point font used.) Name:......................................................... Company:.................................................... Address:...................................................... City:........................................................... State:..........................................Zip:........... Country:...................................................... v#CE6C6CEEACACA7F2 (Check one - Make payment payable to: Mi Concepts. Foreign customers add $3.00 handling.) __I would like the Turbo Combo Package which includes both DAfx and Turbo View. I have enclosed $29 for this package. (Be sure to order a disk if you need a copy of either DAfx or Turbo. If you use CIS, indicate your ID below.) __Yes, sign me up for the premium package which includes the key to unlock Turbo View, update notices, and other surprise incentives. I have included $15.00 for this package. __ Next day notification via CompuServe™, my ID is:_______________ __ I want the regular package which includes just the key. I've included $10.00. (Check all that apply) __ I have signed up for the Premium package and I am a DAfx Preferred Customer, so I'm entitled to the 40% discount ($9). (Do not include update orders.) __ I have included an extra $2.00, send me a 800K / 400K disk (circle one) with Turbo View: __NOW or __WHEN THE NEXT VERSION IS AVAILABLE. I have version #_______. I'm using Turbo View on the following equipment: (circle answers) Macintosh 128, 512, 512E, Plus, SE, II with _______ megabytes of RAM. For printing: ImageWriter I/II, ImageWriter LQ, LaserWriter, other ______________ I also have: Hard Disk Modem Color Mac II ThunderScan™ Please rank the following features from 1 to 6 with 1 being the feature you would like to see most: __ TIFF file support (Tagged Image File Format) __ Apple II Hi-Res/Double Hi-Res/Super Hi-Res support __ Atari ST DEGAS (PI1,PI2, & PI3) support __ Pixel Paint __ SuperPaint 2.0 __ Other_________________________ Comments/Suggestions: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ U.S. Funds only. Send To: Mi Concepts, P.O. Box 8822, Kentwood, MI 49508, U.S.A.